York City have said they are “disappointed” that an investigation in to racial abuse directed at its striker Lennell John-Lewis has not been able to identify an offender.

On Thursday, Yeovil Town confirmed it had been unable to identify the person responsible for the abuse caught on camera in a fixture at Huish Park on 3rd September despite a month-long enquiry supported by Avon & Somerset Police and Kick It Out, the anti-discrimination campaign.

In a statement published by the York Press, York City said: “We are disappointed that Yeovil have not been able to identify the culprit.

There must be somebody who would be able to identify who was involved, but have chosen not to come forward.

Society needs to work together to stand up to racism in all its forms, allowing perpetrators of racist acts to stay anonymous is to be complicit in their wrongdoing.

Avon & Somereset Police has said the investigation had “exhausted all reasonable lines of enquiry”, adding that it would always look in to an new information which comes forward about the incident.

In its response, Yeovil Town said: “As a football club, Yeovil Town finds all forms of discriminatory behaviour totally abhorrent and unacceptable. It is completely against the values of our club, and we believe it has no place at Huish Park or anywhere else within our communities.

We continue to stand against all forms of racist, sexist, or homophobic discrimination and we reiterate that we will always seek to take the strongest action against anyone identified committing these acts.”

Both the club and the Police urged anyone who knows anything about the individual responsible for this disgusting act to contact them calling 101 and giving crime reference number 5222215076. Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or contact them through their online form.

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