Yeovil Town has closed an investigation in to “alleged racial chanting” at the home match with York City last month – but Avon & Somerset Police has said it will investigate any fresh evidence which it receives.

In a statement on Thursday, the club said it had been working with Avon & Somerset Police, Kick It Out, the campaign against discrimination in football, and supporter groups since the incident on 3rd September.

However, it said the investigation had been unable to identify the supporter behind the abuse which was directed at York striker Lennell John-Lewis as he prepared to take a second half penalty in a game the Glovers lost 1-0.

Supporters have reported receiving calls from the club asking whether they had heard the abuse which was captured on the highlights packages of both Yeovil Town and York City suggesting efforts were being made to investigate the matter.

In a statement, the club said: “Upon reviewing CCTV footage and speaking to many supporters who sit within the Screwfix Community Stand, we have been unable to identify the supporter who is heard chanting within the highlights package.

Due to this, Yeovil Town has closed our investigation into the matter. We would like to place on record our thanks to all the groups that assisted with our investigation.

Both the club and the Police urged anyone who knows anything about the individual responsible for this disgusting act to contact them calling 101 and giving crime reference number 5222215076. Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or contact them through their online form.

When contacted by the Gloverscast, Avon & Somerset Police added: “Although we may have exhausted all reasonable lines of enquiry we never ‘close’ an investigation because if someone comes forward with information then that will always be looked into and any further enquiries carried out.

PC Mark Neal, the force’s football unit, added: “There can be no place for racism in our society. It is disgusting and inexcusable. We want anyone who hears or suffers from such abuse to report it.

The York City FC player who was racially abused has been offered support and kept updated of our enquiries since this happened.

We are grateful to both clubs and Kick It Out for helping us with our enquiries but unfortunately despite exploring all possible lines of enquiry and appealing for information, the offender hasn’t been identified.

In its staement, the club added: “As a football club, Yeovil Town finds all forms of discriminatory behaviour totally abhorrent and unacceptable. It is completely against the values of our club, and we believe it has no place at Huish Park or anywhere else within our communities.

We continue to stand against all forms of racist, sexist, or homophobic discrimination and we reiterate that we will always seek to take the strongest action against anyone identified committing these acts.

If you hear any form of discrimination inside or around Huish Park, we urge all supporters to report it on the day to our stewards or report anonymously on our designated matchday hotline – 07724 152 534.

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