Yeovil Town’s goal-scoring hero Matt Worthington has said that Huish Park was “brilliant, like old times” after his second half header secured the Glovers a 1-0 home win over Eastleigh.

Speaking to BBC Somerset’s Sheridan Robins after the game on Tuesday night, the longest serving member of the squad recognised just how big of a win it was:

“It was brilliant, the bounce in the stadium all night was excellent, back to old times which I can remember being really good, it’s a massive three points for us.

“It’s been difficult in recent weeks for us, to get that win really takes the pressure off us.

“The gaffer spoke to us before the game and said that attacking this end (away end), we need to be better, and believe in ourselves and enjoy it, we did brilliantly in that half and this half, and it’s always nice to attack the home fans in the second half, it was brilliant.”

Manager Mark Cooper mentioned it was an all-round team performance with plenty of credit due to both the defence for yet another ‘cleano’ as well as a dynamic midfield performance, something Worthington backed up.

“They’re (Stevens and JM-D) are two attacking players, two great players who will do very well for the club and I think it’s an all round great performance from everyone. We’ve given away too many easy chances recently, so we wanted to shore things up at the back and I thought the lads at the back were brilliant, like they have been all season”

A great leap (definitely not a push, ref!) by Matt Worthington for the opener.

As for the winning goal itself, a header at the far post was all it took to separate the sides,

‘I haven’t scored too many headers, it was a great cross and I rose first and luckily it went in the back of the net, it was nice to celebrate in front of the Thatchers end, 

“The gaffer said at half-time that someone needed to step up and put the ball in the back of the net, I’m just thankful it was me today, 

“I think we should have scored more, if I was going to be harsh, I think we should have put a few more past the keeper and tested him a bit more, but we will take three points however it comes.”

The full time scenes at Huish Park a joyful release of emotion as the pressure lifted after a run of poor form and the win that marks the start of the Uggla-Sackey era…

“It feels brilliant, it’s back to old times and long may it continue.”, we couldn’t have said it better ourselves, Matty!



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Francesco Chainey
1 year ago

Great result against an in form side,feal good factor is returning, it’ll take time, but,good times are on the way, with owners who actually care,