With Yeovil Town‘s first game of the new season not taking place in England, but in Wrexham, Wales, there was a little extra delay in confirming just who could attend and in what numbers, but Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford has announced that as of Saturday July 17th Wales would follow England in easing some Covid Protocols.

Drakeford has annouced that Wales will not restrict attendances in outdoor events as they move to ‘Alert Level 1′.

In a series of tweets he confirmed that… “there will be no limit on the amount of people who can gather outdoors in Wales – and we will no longer have to social distance when outdoors”.

This seems to suggest that Yeovil fans will be able to make the trip across the border without restriction.

The rules change when indoors where, numbers will still be reduced and face coverings will still be required and those showing symptoms of Covid will still not be admitted into sporting events.

Ticket details for away supporters are yet to be confirmed, and it is yet to be seen if Wrexham as a football club intend to apply any further restrictions.

The Glovers start the 2021/22 season against Wrexham on Saturday 21st August.

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