Earlier this week, we asked readers of the Gloverscast to cast their vote on if they felt the protracted takeover of the club by SU Glovers was going to get over the line. 

757 of you voted with a majority of 626 (83%) thinking the takeover WON’T happen and just 131 (17%) thinking it WILL happen. There are some interesting comments on the poll which you can read here.

Lets ask you another question…

[poll id=”34″]


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John Oakes
1 year ago

With SimulSports not in the picture anymore SU Glovers are the best thing left. They are inexperienced yes but they know this, will bring in people who DO know what they are doing, and they have the resources. For too long our club has been run by ‘good football people’ who may well be nice guys, but they don’t have the skills to develop the club so it can’t make its own money, and they don’t have the money themselves to make up for that lack of skill.

For me, Hellier is too volatile and exactly the same as Priestnall in that he doesn’t do well with accountability or questioning – it’s his way or the high way.

But whatever happens we need a deal done so we can move forward.

Alan MacGregor
1 year ago

Let’s get it done and dusted so we can focus on climbing YEOVIL T F C up the football ladder again to former glories.

Andy Pandy
1 year ago

I think SU Glovers will complete their takeover of the club but who knows when that will be. It’s clear Matt Uggla believed the deal was almost over the line 2 months ago so what can possibly be holding it up? What has caused the long delay? What might the reasons be?
I’d love to hear what others think.

1 year ago

Let’s get the deal one, rebuild and start climbing the league’s again…..And definitely cancel any plans to build houses on the outside pitches/ car parks..

NEIL Andrew Lukins
1 year ago

They have the finances – but please (SU) take a small step back and support your manager and don’t buy players he does not want!

John Dover
1 year ago

I have voted no but we are now between a rock and a hard place as delayed decision making and prevarication has left us with the worst options and little time.
My preference would be that in the absence of any other interested and serious party the Club goes for Matin Hellier.
If you heard his interview the other day he demonstrates what we need. Sound business judgement and acumen not football knowledge and enthusiasm at Owner/Board level.
Level this then to the Executive team and manager.
I would recommend trying to keep Mark Cooper and the existing key staff who deserve better.