It’s been 115 days since Yeovil announced an ‘exclusivity agreement’ with a preferred bidder. We learned on February 28th that the bidder was SU Glovers and that they’d taken on the ‘stewardship’ of the club – how naive our headline looks now. Despite ‘scarves on pitch’, it turns out there’s a bit more to it than that and now 56 days later we’re still awaiting official confirmation.

It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these, so lets gauge the room and your gut feel on the question…

Do you think SU Glovers will complete their takeover of YTFC?

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Did you know? There were 132 days between Simul Sports entering ‘final stages of due diligence’ and the deal collapsing in May 2022.

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1 year ago

I voted no because unfortunately in my eyes it won’t happen. But god do I wish it happens, they promised some really good things that the club needs and I think most fans would be very happy with. As they said actions will speak louder than words and so far it has only been words.

Martin Ridley
1 year ago

Not only do I think the deal won’t go through it shouldn’t go through ? the feeling among most of us is it would be a disaster ?

1 year ago

I really have no idea whether the deal will go through or not but something needs to happen now. I cannot believe how far the club has fallen and I continue to be shocked that season on season we find ways to get worse and show no signs of moving forward. Whatever happened to the idea of a supporter based group stepping in. We need a strategy which has a mission to sustain league football at League 1 level and which won’t be derailed if we ever reach the dizzy heights of the Championship again

1 year ago

No and administration coming. Hopefully a real buyer will step in now. But forget going up next season, we’ll be very lucky to stay out of yet another relegation battle.

Derek Hamilton
1 year ago

I really do wonder about the criticism of SU Glovers and the Ugglas. It’s clear the team manager has been allowed to brief against them on regular basis. I just can’t see a better propostion given their resources and Foundations

1 year ago

Su glovers have made mistakes but the only choice we have now to survive I think acts why I said yes ???

1 year ago

Martin Hellier is the only hope we’ve got. His stable and mature leadership is what we need.

1 year ago

The pig owner is too greedy and we will all end up with nothing and will need to start again.

Archie Morris
1 year ago

It may not go through, but surely Uggla and Sackey have poured in WAY too much cash for them to walk away without a huge, and potentially very messy, fight. It would also be extremely embarrassing for them, personally, to give up. Priestnall may shaft them, but can’t see them walking voluntarily.

Jon Adams
1 year ago

Can you add 3rd option?

No but hope something sorted soon!

Chris G
1 year ago

IF Mr Ugler and his team were serious about the purchase then surely, something, anything could have been said on the day relegation was confirmed! Just a little Tweet stating that, no worries, it will happen. Nothing! Why, because he cannot do a deal with the FB that owns the football club. No one can. He will just let it peter out because he has no choice. He has a large rental bill next month to find, plus he has contracts to renew and still has wages to pay, plus many other bills including no doubt to HMRC (VAT etc). He will file for administration at best, at worst let the club die. What a terrible situation as we look around at other football clubs and ask what did we do as fans of this club to deserve this horrible situation. Left to hang out to dry by those who have run this club for decades.

1 year ago

The club needs to be taken over by decent, competent people who will do things properly. SU and the current owner doesn’t seem to be in that category so far. It’s not difficult to sort out a club like Yeovil with good supporters desperate for a period of stability and a good, even if basic, match day experience. We need to enjoy being Yeovil fans again.

1 year ago

I really hope so

1 year ago

I hope they do but I very much doubt it will happen. I think it would of been done by now if they were serious

Andy Demoray
1 year ago

Total mayhem. I’m concerned about the lives of the full time staff at the club, adminstration, who do their job, let down by the owners and the people who are signing players, that are clearly not good enough. So what do the full time staff do, having done nothing wrong, still smiling, trying to sell tickets and sell the club to local businesses.

1 year ago

After reading how allegations state Robin’s scupered others!! Then I’m guessing another no.

1 year ago

The problem is if the current owner doesn’t like any deal put on the table or just winding up supporters by claiming he intends to sell but has no intention of selling. Currently the only party Supporters are aware of is SU Glovers who appear to have been funding the club for a period. They appear to have either reached the limit they are prepared invest without being owners or using this to force SP to sign on the dotted line with the deal on the table or put YTFC into administration. If YTFC go into Administration will more parties come forward to buy the club and how long will that take? Will YFC start next season with a points deduction if they go into Adminstration. The only option to move forward now and begin to prepare for next season is SU Glovers and the possibility of securing sufficient quality of players for NLS. Is SU Glovers the right party for YTFC only time will tell, but they have made some pretty awful mistakes to date.

1 year ago

I don’t understand why the SU Glovers would invest money into something they do not actually own. (These are business people after all) I do not trust any of the contenders that are looking to purchase YTFC. I smell a rat and believe Priestnall is still pulling the strings. Why would Priestnall let the club go to the wall if it doesn’t benefit him? I believe he is still pulling the strings and will not lose out financially. There has been a lot of talk on social media a lot of empty promises and blame being diverted to others. As I said at the start of this comment I smell a rat, or should that be rat(s)?