Glovers boss Mark Cooper has praised his side’s performance despite losing 3-0 to Wrexham in the FA Cup 2nd Round.

Speaking to BBC Somerset’s Sheridan Robins post match, he said that on another day, his side could have been coming away with more.

“I thought we were brilliant, I thought we were absolutely magnificent, I thought we were bang in the game, the goal on half time was a killer for us, it’s a poor header and we didn’t pick the edge of the box, but I thought we played well, honest to god, I thought we were brilliant to a man, I thought we played lovely football, we kept the ball, we created some chances, the keeper has pulled off an unbelievable save in the top corner from Charlie Cooper, it’s right in the top corner, we’ve had chance in the second half, so, it’s just tiny, tiny details that is the difference between the two sides.”

“You know that, when you come here, the ref is not going to do you any favours, he was …. there was some really questionable bits and pieces that went against us.”

The Glovers were pitting their wits against a side flying high in League Two and more than held their own at times, the gaffer said how he and the team had had a positive moment in the changing rooms after the game.

“They’re a top team, let’s get that right, a top team, a top manager, top fans… everything and they scored at good times, but I can’t give our players enough credit, I can’t give our fans enough credit, I thought they were amazing, onwards and upwards for us,

I think they (Wrexham) could play in the Championship, most of them, and have been, so now, we’ve just had a really good moment in there as a group and we’re just really looking forward to the rest of the season now to dream about what we can achieve and we’re really looking forward to Bath on Wednesday”

“I can’t give our players enough credit, I can’t give our fans enough credit, I thought they were amazing”

On the FA Cup run as a whole, Cooper said they have taken on three tough draws and done themselves credit in all of them.

“We had two favourable draws and two tough draws, we’ve beaten two National League teams that are both flying at the top of that league, and we’ve got one of the toughest draws you can probably get and come here and I think we’re unlucky, we’ve given a really good account of themselves.”

All on eyes on Bath now, it’s a big one on Wednesday.

“Like I’ve said we’ve had a really good moment there, we’re really looking forward to it”

So are we, Gaffer!

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