With four home games in a row coming up for the Glovers, the next away day is to Havant and Waterloovile on Bank Holiday Monday (15:00 Kick Off)

The hosts have said in a statement that away fans will be segregated and tickets must be purchased in advance.

The statement in full reads:

“Following discussions held with Hampshire Police and the Safety Advisory Group, the club can confirm that our match at home to Yeovil Town on Monday 28th August will be segregated.

Yeovil Town supporters will be required to purchase their tickets ahead of the game by clicking here. Home supporters are also able to purchase their tickets in advance.

Tickets for Yeovil Town supporters are on sale now, and remain on sale until the allocation sold out or 5pm on Sunday 27th August 2023, whichever occurs first. Please ensure that you have purchased an ‘Away Ticket’ via the link below. The away section is a Terraced Only section.

With the game being segregated it will mean entry into the ground will change for Away Supporters. Entrance for Yeovil Town supporters will be via the Main Car Park.

Turnstiles will open 60 minutes before the scheduled kick-off time. All supporters are advised to arrive as early as possible to reduce queuing times.

Tickets are priced at £15 for Adults, and £10 for Concessions and Students.

Any supporters of either club found to be in the wrong segregation area of the ground will be asked to leave Westleigh Park, under those circumstances no refunds will be issued.

We look forward to welcoming both sets of supporters to Westleigh Park this August Bank Holiday.”

Whilst the exact number of tickets hasn’t been confirmed, it is believed to be just under 1000.

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