On today’s Gloverscast we’ve heard the thoughts of Alex Fisher and regular Gloverscast contributors Chris Fox, Sheridan Robins and Elliot Watts about the season ahead. But, you’ve not heard what we think (for once) so we’ve scribbled down our thoughts on the season ahead below…

Ian Perkins

Thoughts on Summer:

Hasn’t it been nice to have a summer focused on the football and improvements at the club? The empty promises of ‘improving match day experience’ are long gone and we’ve seen genuine care and consideration taken in the improvements to our home. Mark Cooper has been given the freedom (and resources) to manage and build a squad that, on paper, looks well-equipped for a promotion push.

What are you most excited about?

Seeing some goals! With bagsman Rhys Murphy back, you’d expect us to score goals. With a rejuvenated Jordan Maguire-Drew, a fit Jordan Stevens, and the additions of Jake Hyde and Frank Nouble you’d hope that our days of struggling to find the back of the net will be behind us. The patterns during pre-season produced goal scoring opportunities which Mark Cooper’s side lapped up. So yeah, I’m excited to celebrate some goals.

Rhys Murphy in his first spell at Huish Park. Picture courtesy of Mike Kunz.

Who is our key player?

We all think Jordan Maguire-Drew is going to be absolutely vital and a huge part of any success, but for the sake of this article (spoiler alert) I’m mixing it up and going with Rhys Murphy. We need goals, we’ve got a proven goalscorer who’s done it green and white and #knowsthelevel. JMD can create all the chances in the world, but without the bagsman inside the 18-yard-box it’ll mean diddly-squat.

Who will be our breakout star?

This one might be a bit silly, given his experience and the number of years he’s spent at Huish Park but I’m going for Matty Worthington. We’ve been crying out for him to make an impact at the top end of the pitch and we saw some glimpses of it under Mark Cooper last season. With a full pre-season, a squad he’s chosen and players fit for the system, I think this will be the year we see Matt Worthington dominate. He’s far too good for National League South and I think we’ll see him make his mark consistently this season.

Where will we finish?

Can I say 1st? Is that ridiculous? We have to finish in the top 3 – it’s a must. I know we took a season at this level in the mid-90s, but we were a different club then and it was a part time league. We’ve signed quality, retained quality and, I would argue, have a manager who is well above this level too. It won’t be easy and we’ve got to create a winning mentality, but we have to believe we’re in with a shot.

David Coates

Thoughts on Summer:

What a refreshing change to (almost) be talking about only football for a summer. I add the almost because it depends which social media group you are a part of – but you have to go looking for this stuff. The sprucing up of Huish Park is a long awaited bonus and as well as retaining just about everyone I’d have wanted to stay last season, we’ve added some quality as well. Keeping Grant Smith would have been even better, but you can’t have everything.

Frank Nouble finds the net in the pre-season friendly win at Buckland Athletic.
Picture courtesy of Iain Morland.

What are you most excited about?

Winning more games of football. I honestly cannot remember a season in the past decade when I went to matches feeling anything but pessimistic about our chances of getting anything. It is going to be a lot of travelling from the dark Satanic mills in which I reside, so a bit of hope and optimism should take the edge off it.

“I cannot wait for him to get his first goal for us.”

Who is our key player?

Frank Nouble. As one (/the only) contributor to this blog able to remember or last campaign in regional football, I would argue that Warren Patmore was the most important player in our success – sorry Howard. Alongside him the likes of Forinton, Grazioli and Birkby got goals and what I have seen and heard of Nouble in pre-season, he has the ability to be that same player who gets goals and makes them.

Who will be our breakout star?

I’m going to say Jordan Young in the hope of inspiring the lad. I cannot wait for him to get his first goal for us. There is undoubted talent there, he #knowsthelevel having done the business for Chippenham Town here, and feels like he is on the verge of something. Let’s hope he can get past the verge.

Where will we finish?

It’s the hope that kills you and as much as I’d like to say champions, I am going for a top four finish, most likely third or fourth. Anyone who thinks we will can runaway with the division (whether a Yeovil fan or Torquay) will be in for a rude surprise. There will be challenges (3G pitches, teams that want to stop us playing and undoubtedly shit refs) which we will encounter, but hopefully we have the quality and depth to get past them.

Ben Barrett

Thoughts on Summer:

I don’t know how many times I’ve said on the podcast that a Yeovil Town manager deserves a proper pre-season, I think, for the first time since we dropped out of the EFL, we’ve finally given one the chance. That’s so refreshing. The back end of last season was so tough to be in and around, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t really get to me mentally, I feel like the football club has been through a deep cleanse and everything and everyone gets a new start from now. It’s not perfect, it was never going to be, but it’s a slate that has been wiped clean, we’ve given ourselves a foundation to begin building back up again, on and off the pitch.

What are you most excited about?

Seeing our players scoring some goals, and getting plenty of people behind the group of lads who deserve our support. By and large, the players who really fought for the badge have remained and Mark Cooper has added some quality.  We saw some glimpses last season of what might be possible, I hope we can put that together and give the supporters something to support, the players deserve it as much as we do.

“we could be in for something special, but we’ll not miss out by much at the top”

Who is our key player?

I really hope we see plenty out of Jordan Stevens this season. We’ve got plenty of ability and options in those creative roles and that’s not an easy group to stand out in – we would love to see JMD at his very best for example – but in the brief moments we got to see Stevens last year, he looked a player who was just levels above the division. He could be one to make PLENTY of assists and chip in too.

Who will be our breakout star?

Will Dawes. I didn’t have him down as a left back to be honest, but the reports I’ve seen, the game against Plymouth Parkway and the way in which he is continually talked about as being one of the group who really seem to help gel things together makes me think, he’s there to give it a right go this season. I hope he gets chances to impress, I think he’s got something to prove after helping a side get promoted out of the NLS last season and I think he can go well.

Will Dawes
Picture courtesy of Iain Morland.

Where will we finish?

So, I’ve got us in the top three, but maybe not top. 2nd or 3rd is where I’m going. I say that because, on paper, this season will be defined by those big crunch games. Torquay of course, the derby games against Taunton, Weymouth and Bath and those away days to the sides who have joined this level for the first time. Over the past decade, the Glovers haven’t traditionally done well in games where its all on the line, (we haven’t beaten Weymouth yet since dropping down, nor Taunton in the cup) and we’ve dropped out of Cups and Play Offs to some sides we should probably be beating. If we can blast through that Big Match Wall, we could be in for something special, but we’ll not miss out by much at the top.

Callum Gould

Thoughts on Summer:

I haven’t seen much of the Glovers over the summer but from what I’ve read we finally seem a real threat going forward. Worried however with strikers that prone to injuries the plastic pitches could be a problem, plus Staunton not playing on Astro it could be our downfall.

What are you most excited about?

Playing regional football. Most fans will be split over this but I feel it given us a chance to reset as a club. The fact we have so many “derby” games means our already well travelling support, will be even better than before. In terms of the team of the squad, seeing local boy Will Buse in goal. Saw him play away to Wrexham last year and thought he played really well considering it was the game we got relegated in.

Jordan Maguire-Drew was introduced after an hour at Plymouth Parkway.

Who is our key player?

Jordan Maguire-Drew. Didn’t have the chance to show himself off properly last season in a struggling team. With Mark Cooper adding much needed quality up top with Rhys Murphy, Frank Nouble and Jake Hyde I believe, JMD will be not only Yeovil player of the Year but also NLS Player of the Year.

“I do feel that Huish Park can be a fortress if we get on a roll.”

Who will be our breakout star?

Zachary Bell. Was stuck between Bell and Buse, both of whom have come through the Bristol City Academy. However, I picked the defender due to the fact he performed well against football league opposition Newport County. Still has a lot to prove but being only 20 years of age he can learn quickly and has the naivety of youth on his side (not being afraid of big names in the league).

Where will we finish?

2nd. Will be interesting how the team performs away from home on plastic pitches where certain players can’t/may not play. I do feel that Huish Park can be a fortress if we get on a roll. Will be interesting to see though if the we do have a downturn in form whether the current enthusiasm from fans will remain as I believe some at the club may not be able to handle the criticism from vocal fans. Would love is to finish first but with Gary Johnson just down the road in Devon I feel Torquay may be hard to beat.

Callum Hallett

Thoughts on the summer:

It was a bit mental at the start with everyone settling in to life under Hellier, however as the summer has gone on the recruitment from Cooper has been top draw, pre season has been incredibly strong for all but one game at Wimborne, it’s good to see a proper buzz back at Huish Park and to have an owner who puts the effort in.

What are you most excited about?

For me, it’s the away days, travelling up and down (or in this case side to side) the country with my mates watching football, no matter the result, cant beat it!

Who’s our key player?

Not only our best player, but the National League South’s best player, Jordan Maguire-Drew. His ability on the ball, left foot, right foot is unbelievable to watch. To know that someone will be able to pick out a pass comfortably, no matter how hard it is. So enjoyable to watch!

Jordan Stevens.
Picture courtesy of Iain Morland.

Who will be our breakout star?

Jordan Stevens for me, hopefully his injury isn’t a long one. I believe his pace, power and dribbling could ruin defences. We saw it in the first couple friendlies what he can do. I think if he can become more consistent he will thrive under Cooper. Play style suits him down to a tee.

Where will we finish:

2nd or 3rd for me. At home we will be dominant, away we may struggle a bit more with the 3G pitches, dodgy pitches etc. Torquay have been in this league recently so I think they will have that advantage and finish top. The minimum has to be 3rd – otherwise it’s a failed season in my eyes.

Ollie Marsh

Thoughts on summer…

Overall it’s felt like one of the most positive summers in recent history, both on and off the pitch. It’s great to see fresh life being breathed into the stadium, and Mark Cooper has built a team that – on paper – looks scary to any opposition side at this level.

What are you most excited about this season?

Proven goalscorers have proven themselves hard to come by, so seeing Rhys Murphy turn out in green and white again is an exciting prospect. There’s a massive question mark over his fitness and it’s unlikely he’ll stay injury-free throughout the entire campaign, but finishers like him simply don’t forget where the back of the net is. He’ll bag plenty if he can get a decent run of football.

Who’s our key player?

When Darren Sarll brought Josh Staunton to Huish Park in 2020, he spoke of how meaningful that signature would be for the club. He’s been proven absolutely correct, and although we won’t see as much of Josh on the pitch as we’d like, his leadership will be just as vital on the occasions he’s watching on from those 3G sidelines.

Sonny Blu Lo-Everton signs for YTFC
Sonny Blu Lo-Everton signs for YTFC – image courtesy of YTFC

Who’s going to be our breakout star?

The truth is I haven’t seen enough of our pre-season friendly action to judge, but after seeing glimpses during his first spell at the club, I’m looking forward to seeing what Sonny Blu Lo-Everton can do at this level.

Where will we finish?

It’s not going to be an easy ride, but in this all-or-nothing season, my ‘hope over expectation’ prediction is to tip us for the title.

James Graham

What are you most excited about this season?

The mood around Yeovil off the pitch at the moment has been one of the best that I’ve seen in my lifetime while supporting the club, everything seems to have been positive and has also been followed by an impressive pre season by our glovers. I’m generally most excited by the idea of Yeovil being giants in this league and being able to see some victories at Huish Park, which were scarce last season. Additionally, the luxury of local fixtures and various local derbies is something to look forward to from a fan’s point of view. Our firepower going forward, demonstrated by the likes of Murphy, Nouble and Hyde stands us in very good stead to have a successful season and potentially challenge for the league title. Hopefully with some home wins in August we can make Huish Park a bit of a fortress and create a great atmosphere around the club as well as on match days.

“To put it simply, I think how many injuries we get will define our season.”

Who’s our key player?

I think we will have multiple key players this season, whose destinies in green will be defined by whether they can retain fitness. Names including Jordan Maguire-Drew, Rhys Murphy, Frank Nouble and Charlie Cooper, amongst several others, all seem too good for the level that is the NLS. Therefore I think the squad that Martin Hellier and Mark Cooper have put together is very promising from a fan’s point of view. Goals win games and league titles, so I think if he can stay fit, our most key player will be Rhys Murphy, who knows how to find the net at a higher level than the National League South.

Who’s going to be our breakout star?

I have high hopes for our new right back Zac Bell who signed on loan from Bristol City earlier in the window. A very promising man of the match performance against EFL outfit Newport County undoubtedly provided Yeovil fans with some hope for the right side of the pitch. Bell works well in the back 3 system which Mark Cooper has regularly deployed during pre season, and it gives a freedom and licence to Zac to attack, which seems to be one of his biggest strengths. More generally, I think both sets of wing backs will be crucial for Yeovil this season, with new signing Alex Whittle looking impressive on the left side, as well as local boy Will Dawes providing sound competition.

Where will we finish?

In the fear of being slightly too complacent, I think Yeovil finish 2nd this season and get promoted through the play offs. Torquay also seem to be very strong and I’m tipping them to win the league. Players such as Aaron Jarvis and new signing Bradley Ash who converted 18 goals in the NLS for strugglers Weymouth, pose a large challenge to the rest of the league’s back lines. I also think that the abundance of 4G pitches in this league will affect Yeovil, as we already know that skipper Josh Staunton and Jake Hyde can not play on plastic surfaces and they generally cause more injuries than grass surfaces. To put it simply, I think how many injuries we get will define our season. Finally, regardless of our league finish I think it’s safe to say Yeovil will have a more positive season than we experienced in 2022/23, hopefully finishing with a promotion for Mark Cooper’s greens.

Tom Bailey

Thoughts on the summer…

I think the summer’s been fantastic! A lot of good additions made to the squad, and Huish Park has an entirely new, refreshed feel to it.

What are you most excited about this season?

Goals! I know we’ve only had a pre-season to build our opinions, but we look like we’ll have goals to enjoy this season, instead of… whatever last season was.

Josh Staunton rises highest for a header. Picture courtesy of Mike Kunz.

Who’s our key player?

It has to be Josh Staunton. A leader, consummate professional and all round top man, he will be the key to leading us back to the fifth tier.

Who’s going to be our breakout star?

Well, I was going to offer one of Ollie Haste or Benjani, but with them leaving on loan, I’ll pick Olly Thomas – the physical prowess and eye for goal in pre-season have convinced me he’s in for a special season.

Where will we finish?

I think we’ll need a bit of time to adjust, but I can see us competing for the title. I’m going to say 3rd, with (hopefully) a playoff trophy to add to the cabinet!

What do you reckon Yeovil fans? Let us know your views in the comments!

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