Picture courtesy of Andy Cleave

Last month, we brought you news on Yeovil fan, Kieran Conway who was planning to run from Taunton to Yeovil to raise money for a trio of good causes including the Adam Stansfield Foundation and the Yeovil Hospital Charity.

In total nearly £1500 was raised, by Keiran who ran to the home game against Maidenhead (all that way for a 0-0 draw!).

Today (Wednesday, June 9) Kieran posed outside of Yeovil Hospital to hand over a cheque worth £500, their portion of the donations.

The charity thanked Kieran via their social media and we at the Gloverscast extend those well wishes – an excellent effort.

The Crowdfunder has now closed for Kieran’s efforts, but anyone wishing to continue to donate or make a direct contribution can do so via the links below – including the link to the recent fundraising efforts set up by the club to remember our late captain, Lee Collins.

Yeovil Hospital Charity Donation Page – https://www.justgiving.com/yeovilhospital
Adam Stansfield Foundation – https://www.adamstansfieldfoundation.com/
In memory of Lee Collins – https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/in-memory-of-lee-collins

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