Alex Fisher. Picture courtesy of Mike Kunz.

Yeovil Town’s scorer Alex Fisher spoke to BBC Somerset’s Sheridan Robins following the Glovers’ 1-1 draw with Boreham Wood and the whole game came down to one word – frustrating. (Editors Note: anyone else sick of that word?)

The striker opened the scoring after 39 minutes with his first goal of his second spell at Huish Park, but just six minutes later visiting midfielder Jack Payne equalised.

Fisher said: “It’s nice to get on the scoresheet, but I’d trade that in quite quickly for three points. I thought we played really well today as a team, it seems to be a common theme, it was a bit of a clouded emotion.

“It was frustrating to not see it through until half-time. The right things were said at half-time with regards to both ends of the pitch and it felt like we had really strong territory in the second half. But it falls on the responsibility of us all, but especially (the players) up top, to get that second goal that we needed so much.

“Ultimately you train all week to put the ball in the back of the net, you can curse your luck about a goalkeeper having a good game, but we can look at ourselves and say we should have put it out of his reach.”

The conversation remained positive and Fisher was adamant that the side was not far off turning draws into wins.

He added: “It’s so frustrating for the players, I imagine it’s the same from the fans – great support again, loyal support – we don’t want these games to fall away from us. It’s something we’ve had a very stern chat about in the changing room, we know what we need to do and I can only thank the fans for their continued support. We are working as hard as we can, we know what we need to do. We are just fine margins away from achieving something very special here.

“We need to be ruthless in both boxes and that falls on us in the front line to score more goals and put more chances away. Today is a frustrating day, but there are positives to take out of it.”


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