It’s that time of year where we ask Yeovil Town supporters for their thoughts on the season that’s just gone. This year was a pretty good one actually, promotion at the first time of asking, huge improvements off the pitch and some great performances too.

As with the previous surveys, thisis on Google Forms and is a mix of multiple choice and linear scale (1-7 of course) questions about issues on the pitch, off the pitch and the future. There is also an optional section about the Gloverscast that we’d be very grateful if you’d complete it.

The survey will be open for four weeks and will close on Tuesday 18th June. We’ll go through the responses and share them on the website like we did for last year’s survey.


Support the Gloverscast

The Gloverscast is a volunteer run website which costs money to maintain. If ever you feel like supporting with our running costs, which include our website hosting, Zoom subscription, The Daily Glove, we’d be extremely grateful for your donations.



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Ian Peter Freely
2 months ago
Ian Peter Freely
2 months ago

Get rid of the owner. Everything that is wrong with the club. No wonder s any people have left.

Ian Peter Freely
2 months ago

Horlicks, should read, SO MANY

Goal Lover
2 months ago

Yeah good to have a positive season after everything that went before. An owner actually there… just don’t change stuff like a club badge without a majority of fans liking the change! Improve the thing then they will agree

Goal Lover
2 months ago

And bloody hell the result data in that survey makes difficult reading! Significant improvements in how supporters feel, but scores are still a bit flipping low!
Is it just complete miserable people providing the feedback?

Goal Lover
2 months ago
Reply to  Goal Lover

Ohh the results I’ve seen are from a relegation season..22/23…