Goalscorer Morgan Williams spoke to BBC Somerset following the victory at Bath City. Here’s what he said to Ian Randall.

Ian Randall: Well, Morgan, that feels like a big result for you does it?

Morgan Williams: Yes, 100%. we knew this game was going to be massive as it’s a derby, but it just feels surreal right now that we’re sat here with the three points.

IR: How much of a touch did you get on on Charlie Cooper’s cross?

MW: I think it was very clean. To be fair, I have to watch it. But yeah, it was absolutely buzzing at the moment.

IR: You were so close in that there was very little reaction time for the keeper. So you kind of knew get it on target and good chance it would go in..

MW: Yeah, Charlie’s got a beautiful delivery on him. Like as Youngy, but obviously it was Charlie that took the free kick today and it was just a perfect free kick.

IR: In terms of the pattern of the game, not much in it for an hour, but Michael Smith cleared the ball off the line from Elliot Frear and it seemed to be that that was the point at which you came on stronger and Bath lost a bit of their energy.

MW: Yeah, I think it was. It’s a massive moment from Smudger clearing off the line. We have to defend beautifully in our box and obviously try [to] be ruthless in their box. And I think that’s the game like, you can’t be perfect every game. We know we didn’t play magnificent. We were far off it today. But sometimes you have to come to these away games and derby days and kind of just grind, grind the result out and we’ve done that today. We’ve kept a clean sheet, we spoke massively on that beforehand, that we’ve not kept many clean sheets this year, so, we’re really proud of that and we have to take that into Saturday.

IR: In terms of the defence started with three of you at the back with the two wing backs. Yeah, ultimately went to a four at certain points and and Thomas gave you some anxious moments at the back. He was he was lively for Bath?

MW: Yeah, he was. He was. He was good player. We know that they’ve got, they’ve got good players as across the whole league, we’ve got good players as well. But I think we dealt with that well. If you got a ball and we defended well, Dunc and Dawesy doubled upon him on the wing and I think we dealt with that quite well.

IR: And in in terms of the the top end of the picture, I think  Mark’s phrase ‘tee to green’ on Saturday you couldn’t finish anything. Today there wasn’t a great deal in that first hour, but as the game got a bit more stretched, you you you got a bit more joy.

MW: Yeah, definitely. I think that’s how it is. We know that we’re we’re very fit and that if we can be 0-0 until the 60th minute, if it’s not falling for us, then we know that we’ve got that extra energy to go get that extra goal.

IR: So on to Dartford now at the weekend, the last away game in this sequence. This probably stretches back then you can remember but if you could top that sequence off with another, it’s really putting pressure on the chasers, even people like Maidstone and Torquay who’ve won during the week, they’re not gaining ground on you.

MW: Yeah, I think it’s massive. We’ve just gotta go to Saturday and try to get the three points again and then back at home next week and try go again.

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