The Supporters Alliance Group have issued the below statement following a meeting today.

Following a meeting of the Supporters Alliance Group on Wednesday 20th October 2021, a private meeting involving the representatives of the Green & White’s, the Disabled Supporters Group and the Glovers Trust took place. The situation regarding a possible take-over of the Club was the only topic for discussion.

Representatives of the Glovers Trust were able to advise the meeting in relation to the interested parties and the time scale of present talks.

We all appreciate that negotiations relating to such a purchase will be long and complicated and the need for commercial confidentiality is important. 

We feel, however, that the longer these negotiations continue and eat into the present season, the greater the feeling of uncertainty and worry will spread across the fan base.  This inevitably permeates all areas both on and off the pitch and potentially damages our Club.

We would urge all those actively engaged in this potential purchase to use their best endeavours to bring about a swift and successful conclusion to these talks. A conclusion that we fervently hope will restore pride and passion to YTFC and ensure a return to the football league and thereafter a bright future for our much loved Yeovil Town.

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