Yeovil skipper Josh Staunton was disappointed the Glovers didn’t pick up all three points today against Chesterfield but felt there were positives to build on.

The Glovers led twice but were pegged back by frustrating goals and Staunton, who was awarded the sponsors Man of the Match, said he was hurting after being ahead twice.

Speaking to BBC Somerset’s Sheridan Robins he said: “On the balance of play today, it’s actually really frustrating. It feels like we should have come away with all three (points) really and we were five minutes away from doing so.

His memory lapsed on the first goal but on the second he said: “It’s a set piece and we’re really really disappointed with how we’ve conceded it, because it was a nothing ball in and it was lucky miskick straight to their man who’s taken it well to be fair to him.

“But, we should have dealt with it a couple of phases before. That one really hurts to be honest, it’s a disappointing feeling when you concede two like that.”

There was certainly an improvement for the Huish Park faithful after the dismal loss at the hands of York two weeks ago, and Staunton affirmed the resilience of the group and praised the reaction of the supporters in attendance.

“It was definitely a good reaction after Saturday against York and then Tuesday against Eastleigh where we were poor, so it shows the group is definitely resilient and we want to turn them (draws) into wins.

“If we put a Yeovil performance on, a proper Yeovil performance one of guts and blood and determination, the fans will always back us. You’ll get no qualms from me, when we don’t do the basics well and we don’t get that support because, ultimately, we have to earn it. 

“After the last two results, today everyone in the stadium was right behind us. Every one at Yeovil will back us if we put on a proper Yeovil performance and play for them.”

Obviously, the overwhelming feeling today is of disappointment to hold on to the lead, but the performance was a massive improvement on previous outings and skipper said it was important to use the performance as a platform to build on.

“We’ve got to build on today, we cant keep taking one step forward and two steps back. We’ve got to try and put the platform in place and keep building on them. After days like today and Wrexham, the foundations are there because you can see we’re a good side. It all comes down, now, to proving that we are (a good side) and going week-after-week getting results to back that.”

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