Terry Skiverton clears an early Newport attack
Photo © Ciderspace 2001
Photography Tim Lancaster

Good morning,

We’re now on day 18 of Scott’s seven day deadline.

The problem is we’re getting news, that’s not actually news. Another article appeared this week, saying the takeover was going to be done on the 21st. Here we are on the 23rd. We’ve been here before a few times.

It’s frustrating and disheartening to keep reading the nonsense, based on rumour and conjecture, repeated and taken with such credibility. Throw a dart at the calendar and hope it sticks.

As we’ve said before, the only people who know exactly what’s going on are at the heart of the deal – the individuals at the table. Everything else is noise and misinformation. Despite how it’s dressed up.

Terry Skiverton is taking the “gaffer’s presser” today in a bit of a switcheroo. I always think it’s interesting to hear from Skivo every now and then. As a bonafide club legend, his take on the situation at the club he’s been at since 1999 is always worth listening to. Plus, we’re up against another legend in Gary Johnson on Boxing Day – we hope.

The less said about our last trip to Plainmoor the better. This could not be a more different Yeovil Town heading to the English Riviera than last December. 

There’s a good interview with Grimbsy’s owner, Jason Stockwood on Grimsby Live, where he talks about governance within the National League and refers to Wrexham and Stockport County.

“The downside is the people who can come in and spend disproportionate amount and underwrite losses through advertising revenues that others don’t have access to.

“It completely distorts the wage structure and the expectation of fans if you can sign a player from a top team and spend over 5K a week.

“That makes it impossible for teams like Grimsby. It is outside the constraints of what is sustainable within our budgets and it would upset the wage structure within your organisation.”

“All power to the Wrexhams and Stockports. It would be disingenuous to say you wouldn’t want someone to invest at that level in your club. It’s just the potential consequences I worry about.”

He goes on to talk about Fair Game and Tracey Crouch’s review, as well. 

I’m just jealous of a local news outlet sitting down with the owner of the local football club for a multi-part interview. What a novelty.

Keep an eye on the website for all the latest news from the press conference. We’re recording tomorrow’s podcast at midday today so if you have any questions get them in early!

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