Yeovil Town forward Tom Knowles and goalkeeper Grant Smith are injury doubts ahead of Saturday’s trip to promotion-seeking Notts County.

Manager Darren Sarll said that Knowles had been suffering with “sickness” after taking a blow to the head in the 1-0 defeat at Chesterfield last weekend, whilst Smith had not yet trained this week.

Grant Smith. Picture courtesy of Mike Kunz.

Speaking on Thursday, the Glovers’ boss confirmed that on-loan striker Olufela Olomola and defender Jack Robinson, who both missed the last match, had both trained and he would leave a selection decision late on all four players.

Sarll said: “Knowles took a free-kick right on the chops and had a little bit of delayed sickness and a headache, so he’s gone through certain concussion protocols.

“Grant Smith has not trained all week, but I think he’s planning to train tomorrow (Friday).

“Jack Robinson has trained for the first time today (Thursday) as is Olomola. We need to see how they come out of those sessions and we will pick a squad late before we travel.

He added that playmaker Lawson D’Ath, who came on as a 68th minute substitute at Chesterfield, was continuing to find his way back after nine months out with a knee injury, and added he was still looking for ways at getting Alex Bradley in to his starting XI.

The manager added: “For the first time in the season, I have to manage players that are not getting games and justify why they are not playing.

“I think there is room to bring one more in, one may need to go the other way, but I think there is room for no more.

The manager said he would not be appealing to chairman Scott Priestnall for clarity around the future of the club with the never-ending takeover talks still rumbling on.

This week, the Glovers’ Trust gave an update on what it knows about the discussions, including that Greg Baker, of London-based finance group, ESE Capital, is backing the Simul Sports Group which is talking about buying the club.

The last public statement from owner Scott Priestnall from a video posted on the club’s YouTube channel in July.

Asked if he could say anything further on the situation, Sarll said: “There’s no way I am going to make an appeal to my owner who pays my wages!

“I have said all along, it’s his business, not my business, I’m an employee trying my very best to navigate through this season and make sure I have employment for the following season.

“My duty as the manager of the club is to win as many games as I can, and it’s my duty as a father and a husband to ensure I have a job.

“Would it mean we score more goals if we knew what was happening? I don’t think it would. It would settle people down.

“But I have to concentrate on getting us a win and trying to build on that win and I think we are really close to being a good side.

Of his side’s next opponents, Notts County the boss said he is expecting “a tough game” against a side who he expects to dominate possession.

But, he believes his side still has another run of form left in them before the season come to an end.

The manager said: “(Notts County) play with big distances between units and individuals on a big pitch, so it will be a tough game.

“We hope our attitude and intensity will be greater than their talent and technical ability which is what we have relied on when we have got results with this group.

“That gives us a chance in every game, I think we are really close, the strength and excitement of this team could be a long-term one, not a short-term one.

Returning to the point he made in his post-match comments after the loss at Chesterfield last weekend, Sarll said that holding on to as many players from the current squad would put Yeovil in a strong position.

He added: “The exciting thing is to have a small turnover at the end of the season and add to this really good foundation.

“The long-term goal should be growing this team organically and not relying on the millions that some people are in this league, but is a team that has the right qualities to compete. I think we are building that here.

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