A survivor of the Hillsborough disaster will speak about his battle with mental health at a webinar organised by the Yeovil Town Community Sports Trust (YTCST) next week.

Martin Roberts was a teenager in April 1989 when the disaster happened at an FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest leading to the death of 97 supporters.

He now delivers a talk, A Walk in My Shoes, which focuses on the importance of prioritising mental health and how leaders, players, staff, coaches, and parents/carers within the football community can take key steps to support themselves and those in their care.

The free webinar takes place next Monday 14th November between 6.30pm – 7.30pm. To register visit www.thefmha.com/events.

Martin said: “I am absolutely thrilled to have been invited by Yeovil Town Community Sports Trust and The Football Mental Health Alliance to share my personal story. As many will know it was a football match on the 15th of April 1989 that nearly cost me my life and did so tragically for 97 other fellow football supporters.

Some 30 years later it totally defined my personal and professional life. A purpose in life is a life with purpose and I certainly have found mine. I commend both organisations for taking the lead on mental health in football and can’t wait to share how all those interested in football can take key steps to support themselves and those around them.

YTCST Manager Sara Bradley said: “Here at Yeovil Town Community Sports Trust, the mental wellbeing of all those in our community is a huge priority for us. We are only too aware of the significant impact the events of the last couple of years and beyond have had and continue to have on the mental health of society.

This webinar will allow people across the whole of our community to learn and implement key tips around mental health from a recognised expert.

Danny Matharu, founder of The Football Mental Health Alliance and a grassroots football coach, said: “We are delighted to be working with Yeovil Town Community Sports Trust – an organisation that is truly committed not only to providing excellent educational opportunities but also to supporting the welfare of all those in their community holistically. It is widely recognised that early intervention is key when it comes to maintaining good mental health, so we hope this webinar can help in educating and supporting the mental health of all those who register.

The plan is for this webinar to be the first in a series across a whole year, offered alongside a full suite of mental health support products for all those who interact with and are interested in football.


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