***UPDATE (24.01.23) – Mike from the Yeovil Town FC Heritage Society has confirmed the £150 appeal total has been reached. A contractor will clean the grave on March 6 and a bouquet of flowers has been left in memory of “Johnny” and Mable in the Garden of Remembrance at Huish Park.
A big thanks to everyone who supported the appeal.***

Mike West over at the Yeovil Town FC Heritage society is raising money to restore the grave of one of the club’s greatest ever players, Fred ‘Johnny’ Hayward.

Hayward scored 548 goals in twenty years at Yeovil and his scoring record is recognised as the second best for one club in word football behind Gerd Muller and Bayern Munich. Johnny passed away aged 71 in 1958.

Mike posted on his Facebook page: “Recently, John Penny, Fred’s grandson kindly discovered Johnny’s grave for us. Located at Yeovil Cemetery, Johnny is buried with his beloved wife Mabel. As you can see from the photos, time has not been good to the grave and it definitely needs a good clean up.”

The Yeovil Town FC Heritage have contacted a headstone restorer and cleaner locally and have had a quote of approximately £150 to have Fred and Mabel’s last resting place cleaned up.

If you’d like to contribute to the appeal please send money to:

GMM Brandtex
Sort Code: 04-03-70
Account Number: 95993172

To learn more about Johnny, read Mike’s post here.

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