Jay Foulston said the move to Huish Park was ‘perfect’. The left back joined Yeovil on loan from Taunton Town in December and said it was always his dream to get back into full time football.

Speaking to BBC Somerset’s Jack Killah about his transfer and the change, the Welshman said: “It’s a massive change obviously. Like it beats getting up and going to work every day, d’you know what I mean? It beats being at work with my old man and stuff. It’s really good. That was always my dream, to get back in the full time football. So when the opportunity came up, it was it was just perfect for me, really.”

Foulston talked about his time out with injury last year, and talk about the rigours of going through injury in a part time environment.

“I was out for six months in total. Obviously it was tough, because when you’re not in full time football, you don’t have full time, physios, etc. So it’s really down to yourself to get back, to get yourself back fit, to get yourself back out there and everything. So it was tough. It was a long period, obviously. You know, you have good times, bad times, but yeah, it’s just like it’s all worth it now when you come to a club like this and you’re back playing and everything. So it’s all it’s all worth it in the end.”

Jay Foulston.
Picture courtesy of Gary Brown.

Ahead of the visit of Hemel Hempstead, Foulston was looking forward to getting back into the action after a period without a match: “Sometimes people might think you might get complacent if you have a weekend off, but the spirit is high here, everyone’s tight. Everyone’s pushing each other.

“Everyone’s just going for it. It’ll be good now to get back out in front of the home fans again this Saturday and it’ll be rocking again as well. But with the way that we’re going and the spirit and everything, it’s really good at the minute,” he added.

Ask about what he wanted to achieve between now and the end of the season, Foulston said: “Obviously, you want to just get on the pitch as many times as you can. You want to contribute to the team. You know? You want to get goals, assists, but you want to keep clean sheets as well. That’s first and foremost as a defender, you wanna keep clean sheets, no goals conceded. But yeah, it’s obviously nice then in possession if you can get forward, pick up a few assists, pick up a few goals, that’s the aim really.”

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