A Bank Holiday Monday in Hampshire, sounds lovely doesn’t it? Trains strikes might take the edge off the trip from Lancashire to the deep, dark south… losing 4-3 (despite fighting back from 2-0 and 3-2 down) definitely will make for a long, lonely journey back.
That’s what Gloverscast Dave did, he’s got five conclusions on what he saw (he probably has more, but we’re a stickler for the rules around here…) here they are.
Well that was dreadful. Let’s start with the obvious, shall we? That was an absolute defensive horror show from Yeovil. For the first half, we looked all at sea lacking any kind of defensive shape or discipline. Was it the absence of Josh Staunton? That was certainly a part of it, I think. Morgan Williams looked to be something we were missing in the first half as well. It got a bit better when he came on, but that probably just underlines what a farce the first half was.