Mark Cooper said his Yeovil Town team deserved to pick up all three points in the 1-1 draw with Chelmsford City this afternoon.

Speaking to BBC Somerset’s Ian Randall following the game, Cooper said he was pleased with his side’s dominant performance.

“We deserved to win the game didn’t we? We had 15 good chances to their three, seven corners to their four, we had double the amount of crosses. We have to win the game and we’ve nearly self-destructed with that goal that should never happen. Then we’ve got back into it, again we keep going and we should win the game at the end. We have to be more ruthless in front of goal. We’ve had some massive chances today and you have to finish that off. it should be a two, three – one game today.”

The Glovers fell behind in the 87th minute when Adam Mills capitalised following a header from Josh Staunton that was saved by debutant Joe Day in the sticks and Cooper wasn’t happy with the reaction of his defenders on the rebound: “It’s a horrendous goal, it’s a great save from Joe [Day] but we have to react quicker than that. Even after that we have a chance to clear it, we let it bounce and we’ve just to clear it out of play and they don’t score.”

“someone’s got to go and risk a broken nose or a few stitches there to put it in the back of the net”

After an even first half where Yeovil looked fairly control – despite a couple of wonderful saves from Day – the team came out strong in the second half and should have made the most of Chelmsford’s tiring legs. The equaliser came in stoppage time from Morgan Williams, but Cooper felt it should have been more.

“I’m frustrated we haven’t won it at the end with the amount of balls that were flying across the six-yard box, someone’s got to go and risk a broken nose or a few stitches there to put it in the back of the net.”

The gaffer rounded off the interview saying he was hopeful that Matt Worthington would be 100% for Tuesday’s trip to Weston-super-Mare.

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10 months ago

I think Mr Cooper was watching a different game to most of us. We are so, so good at going sideways, backwards and then hoofing it. Why was Williams playing as a defensive midfielder, I think that was what he was supposed to be!!! when we had three midfielders on the bench. Fair to say that Bell did not have his best game so Williams should have gone to right back, Bell off thus making way for a proper midfielder. Being positive, Charlie Cooper will miss the next game?

10 months ago

Cooper is deluded. Just saying we should be scoring more isn’t going to make us score more. These are full-time professionals and they’re just not good enough. Or our tactics are wrong. Either way, Cooper is the only one who can put it right. But he thinks we’re the best team on the pitch!

Ian Ilott
10 months ago

Does he say this stuff in post match interviews to try and make us believe it in a Derren Brown sort of way?

Where were these 15 good chances that he spoke about? If he thinks that we were the best team out there, we are in trouble. It was an evenly fought game, but I thought that they had the best chances.

It is so frustrating and boring to watch. Nobody is encouraged to run at defenders or come short to receive passes in midfield. The options for the man on the ball are…. Hoof it into space or pass it back to the defenders (for them to hoof).

We are falling away. Play off places should not be the aim of our club. We should be aiming for top spot.