Yeovil Town have ranked 111th in the country in the Fair Game Index 2024.

The report which is ‘based on extensive research’ ranks every all of the clubs from the Premier League to National League North/South.

Each club is scored out of 100, with 40 marks coming from financial sustainability, 30 from good governance, 20 from equality and ethical standards and 10 from fan and community engagement.

For Financial Sustainability, the Yeovil scored 9.1 out of 30. For Governance the club scored highest in NLS with a score of 9.8 out of 30. On quality and ethical standers Yeovil scored 3.6 out of 20 and on fan and community engagment was 2 out of 10. 

A final score of 24.5 out of 100 ranked Yeovil 111th in the country.

Tonbridge Angels topped the charts in National League South and York City topped the National League… 

Financial Sustainability includes 38 touchpoints and includes measures such as accounting, debt, ticket pricing and sponsorship.

Good Governance draws on 55 different metrics and covers areas such as board structure, accountability and transparency.

Equality and ethical standards has the most touchpoints – 106 – and covers a very broad range of topics from ethics to sexism, and from environmental impact to racism.

Fan and Community Engagement has 30 touchpoints, including fan representation and community investment.

Niall Couper, the CEO of Fair Game said: “Football is far from perfect but with the likelihood of an incoming football regulator there is a real chance to change it for the better.   

“To deliver real and meaningful change we need to understand the problems. We’ve designed the Fair Game Index to do exactly that and help reshape the game we love. 

“It is the most comprehensive analysis yet of what it means to be a well-run club, and we’re calling on the authorities, the Football Regulator and football’s governing bodies to work with us.”

Read the full report here

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